Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Big Book of the Day: Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

It's here!

Evening plans include tea (in my snazzy new To Kill a Mockingbird mug), chocolate, and the new Harper Lee, Go Set a Watchman (bonus points if you noticed I'm sporting Star Wars pj pants).  This book has been getting such mixed reviews that I'm intrigued to see for myself if it is worth all the hype.

I'm only a chapter in and I gotta say...so far so good.

UPDATE 07/18/15

Ok, after 4 days of reading, I have finished Go Set a Watchman.  And I really enjoyed it.  I found the writing to be good and the story engaging.  I really enjoyed seeing a grown up Scout trying to find her place in the world, as well as the flashbacks to her childhood.

This is a novel about the loss of innocence, that realization that sometimes we cannot fully return home because, while it remains the same, we have changed.  It is learning that tough lesson that comes with adulthood that our parent figures aren't always perfect and that as we grow we need to decide what we take from them and what we reject.  It is about becoming our own person.

This is a book that I think everyone is going to have their own opinions on.  I think it is definitely worth reading and finding out for yourself what you think about it.

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