Saturday 21 April 2012

More Potter!

Many many months ago news broke the J.K. Rowling was putting together and ultimate Harry Potter based website called Pottermore.  It would include lots of additional information, pictures, links, videos, and the ability to purchases all the books in ebook format.  Naturally I hustled my way over to Pottermore to discover that the site was still in beta.  I patiently waited and check back ever few weeks.  And I waited.....and waited....sigh, and waited.  Then a brilliant coincidence occurred today.  While at my local library I happened to glance at one of the many studious teenagers (oh exam season I remember you well) laptops and saw the words POTTERMORE blazing across the screen! When I got home I held my breath and typed in the url and lo and behold, it is alive!!  I am now a member of Pottermore and have spent the last hour exploring and let me tell is fantastic!  I love being walked through each chapter and getting the chance to learn interesting tidbits about characters and places that I though I knew so well (Oh J.K. you sure showed me!)  An example of the brilliant material you can find the story of how Petunia and Vernon Dursley met, the courtship and wedding, as well as their interactions with Lily and James Potter.  Fascinating stuff! While obviously not integral to the plot in the first book I none the less found that this tidbit made these already wonderful characters even more vibrant!  I'm so excited to continue exploring Pottermore and even more excited knowing that I have 7 whole books, chapter by chapters, to go through and fall in love with all over again


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